Reddit is a treasure trove of content. If you know how to find new and interesting subreddits, there’s one for just about everything.
Today, we’re going to dive into several subreddits packed full of facts likely to blow your mind. We’ll cover everything from the fascinating and the phenomenal to the downright odd. Prepare to be amazed!
1. /r/ChemicalReactionGIFs
Have you ever wondered what happens when you throw a coin into dry ice or mix food coloring with bleach?
No, we hadn’t either until we found this subreddit. Subscribe if you want to see awesome GIFs of different elements reacting with each other in weird and wonderful ways.
2. /r/DataArt
Most regular Reddit users are probably familiar with /r/DataIsBeautiful, but have you heard of the data art subreddit?
It’s full of posts that blur the line between data and art to make stunning visualizations. The creations are as gorgeous as they are interesting. You can expect a couple of new posts per week.
3. /r/PropagandaPosters
"Americans will always fight for liberty", American WW2 recruitment poster, 1943 from PropagandaPosters
This subreddit is full of historical propaganda posters. Its focus is on World War II and the Cold War, but you can find content from issues as diverse the Palestinian conflict to the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
4. /r/Nostalgia
Supersoakers, Pokémon cards, Etch-a-Sketches, Blockbuster stores, and overhead projectors in classrooms. No matter what decade you grew up in, you’ll find something in r/Nostalgia to take you back to a simpler time.
If you love this subreddit, there are some awesome websites about nostalgia that you should also check out.
5. /r/TalesFromRetail
The Tales From Retail subreddit will blow your mind in a different way. It’s a neverending feed of stories about horrifying hygiene, shocking working conditions, duplicitous bosses, and evil corporations.
After a little time spent in this subreddit, if you work in a shop, you have our sympathy.
6. /r/Pareidolia/
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines pareidolia as “a tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern.”
Who knew clouds could look like a map of the world or potatoes could look like aquatic life? Check it out.
7. /r/Neuropsychology
The brain is a fascinating thing; the source of every emotion we feel and every action we take.
Neuropsychology is the study of the brain. Example posts include “My brain tumor and its psychological repercussions,” “Inflammation: The Hidden Cause of Depression Nobody is Talking About,” and “Musicians Hallucinate Less: Implications for Schizophrenia.”
8. /r/WatchingCongress
S. 3235: A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a presumption of service-connection for certain veterans with tinnitus or hearing loss, and for other purposes. from watchingcongress
Watching Congress makes a post every time a new bill is submitted to the U.S. Congress. It’s a fantastic example of democracy in action, as thousands of users debate and scrutinize all the legislation.
It’s also a great testament to the amount of work that the American government deals with on a daily basis. Don’t believe me? Then take a look for yourself.
9. /r/FanTheories
This subreddit is precisely what the name suggests. It’s a collection of fan theories for popular TV shows and movies.
Some of them are admittedly terrible, but occasionally a theory will pop up that will blow your mind. One of the most famous is the post which argued that the Joker was the hero in Dark Knight.
10. /r/FunFacts
Fun Fact: In 1989 the Soviet Union traded Pepsi Company 17 submarines, a cruiser, a frigate, and a destroyer for Pepsi to be sold in the Soviet Union. This trade made Pepsi the 6th largest military in the world at the time. from funfacts
Well-crafted facts can be jaw-droppingly stunning; they alter your perception of history, opinion of people, or conceptions of reality.
Want an example? Well, did you know polar bears are the largest land predators on earth, standing over 11 feet high and weighing over 1,700 pounds? Or that Romans used urine to clean clothes and their teeth due to its high levels of ammonia content?
Subscribe to r/FunFacts for more.
11. /r/Offbeat
Don’t doubt for a second that the world is a crazy place. r/Offbeat is a subreddit dedicated to the strangest news stories from all corners of the planet.
Some of the antics that people get up to will blow your mind. A man accidentally draining an entire canal in England? Drunk seagulls on American beaches? An Indonesian mob killing 300 crocodiles in a “revenge attack”? Read about it here.
12. /r/Fascinating
What if the largest countries had the biggest populations? from fascinating
The content in this subreddit is, um, fascinating. Most of the posts are YouTube videos, but there’s some user-generated original content as well.
13. /r/Cosmology
The Cosmology subreddit only has 22,000 subscribers compared to the 450,0000 on /r/Astronomy, but we prefer it.
Rather than being full of (admittedly incredible) photos, this subreddit debates, discusses, and hypothesizes on the universe’s most pressing questions. It’s guaranteed to expand your horizons.
14. /r/CrazyIdeas
Put ads on school buses and use the revenue for school funding. from CrazyIdeas
/r/CrazyIdeas is best described as Shark Tank meets /r/ShowerThoughts. It’s full of great—but distinctly left-field—suggestions from users.
For example, one user suggested that a film studio should make a series of seemingly unrelated movies with different characters, then make a movie that reveals they all actually take place within the same universe. Another said Snapchat should harness crowd-sourced video and location data to create a weather service.
Both mind blowingly good ideas, we’re sure you’ll agree.
15. /r/WowThisSubExists
We’re only going to introduce you to 20 subreddits in this article. But there are an estimated 1.2 million subreddits across the whole of Reddit. How can you ever hope to find all the cool stuff?
Step forward r/WowThisSubExists. It’s like a meta subreddit full of links to content that you probably wouldn’t otherwise know about.
16. /r/PerfectTiming
Alligator gar jumping into alligators mouth. from PerfectTiming
So much of photography is about skill, but to capture genuinely mind-blowing images, you also need a healthy dose of luck.
On r/PerfectTiming you’ll find thousands of stunning images when the person behind the camera was fortunate enough to press the shutter at exactly the right moment.
17. /r/100YearsAgo
[July 19th, 1918] An officer of the 444th Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery (RGA), smokes a pipe as he supervises a kitten balancing on a 12 inch gun shell near Arras, 19 July 1918. from 100yearsago
What happened on this day, 100 years ago? For an educational trip back in time, subscribe to this sub.
You can expect to see about 10 stories posts per day about events that occurred exactly a century in the past.
18. /r/FinancialIndependence
Look, we know that financial independence sounds like a dry topic and isn’t particularly mind-blowing, but stick with us.
What if we told you this entire subreddit was dedicated to retiring early? And we mean in your early-to-mid-40s, not just a couple of years before you hit 65.
You don’t need to be a millionaire or have a high-paying job. This subreddit teaches you the secrets.
19. /r/CatastrophicFailure
Visual of how a tsunami can wreak havoc. from CatastrophicFailure
A subreddit about machinery and man-made structures breaking, collapsing, or failing in spectacular ways. It offers a good mix of images and videos.
20. /r/NotInteresting
No, this isn’t a quirky name or a joke; nothing on this subreddit is interesting. Its specialty is posting the most mundane content imaginable.
And the mind-blowing part? That 227,000 people have the time and interest to keep the sub alive!
The Never-Ending Journey of Reddit
Reddit is an infinite rabbithole that fans can’t get enough of. So, if you know about some insane subreddits that we should all subscribe to, let us know in the comments.
And, before you leave, make sure you check out our lists of great alternatives to the default subreddits, subreddits about finance, and the most sociable subreddits.
Read the full article: 20 Fascinating Subreddits With Facts and Stories That’ll Blow Your Mind
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